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Studies show that up to 40% of women experience hair loss or hair thinning during menopause or in the four to five year period before menopause (perimenopause). Although there are no overnight solutions to menopausal hair loss, there are a number of steps you can take to remedy the situation.
Source:Hair Today Gone Tomorrow ? Can Menopausal Hair Loss Be Reversed?
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For far too long, doctors thought hormone replacement therapy was the answer to menopausal symptoms from hot flashes to sleepless nights to stubborn belly fat. But while it does help, HRT can be risky?and may raise women?s chances for breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Luckily, there?s a growing stack of research that natural remedies can be just as effective.
In The Natural Menopause Solution, the editors of Prevention and integrative medicine specialist Melinda Ring, MD, distill that research into the easy-to-follow 30-Day Slim-Down, Cool-Down Diet, which can help women lose 21 percent more body weight. Plus it?s proven to help reduce the number and intensity of hot flashes by 50 percent. In addition to this easy eating and exercise program, there are hundreds of drug-free solutions for sleep problems, memory lapses, mood swings, lack of energy, low libido, and more?and strategies to protect against heart disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoporosis, and cancer.
Women may not be the only ones who suffer the effects of changing hormones. Some doctors are noticing that men are reporting some of the same symptoms that women experience in perimenopause and menopause. The medical community is debating whether or not men really do go through a well-defined menopause.
Doctors say that men receiving hormone therapy with testosterone have reported relief of some of the symptoms associated with so-called male menopause. Because men do not go through a well-defined period referred to as menopause, some doctors refer to this problem as androgen (testosterone) decline in the aging male -- or what some people call low testosterone. Men do experience a decline in the production of the male hormone testosterone with aging, but this also occurs with conditions such as diabetes.
Get all of the facts in ?How To Cope with Male Menopause - The Andropause Mystery Revealed?!
Along with equality, women have gained too much daily stress with increased work loads, lack of physical and spiritual exercise, insufficient rest, poor diet, environmental toxins including the exposure to toxic estrogens in the environment, all contributors to a difficult menopause.
No More HRT: Menopause Treat the Cause provides you with the key to a symptom-free menopause. Dr. Karen Jensen and Lorna Vanderhaeghe recommend treating the cause of women?s health problems by supporting the body with a healthy diet and lifestyle at an early age, to prevent PMS, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, heavy periods, hot flashes, night sweats, breast and ovarian cysts, menopause and more. With love, they have put together a simple program to ensure vibrant health.
Life is a continuous adventure that requires mental, emotional, physical and spiritual stamina during the hormonal transitional years and always. This book offers many tips and insights that can help women accomplish this.
From this book you will learn:
- Why weak adrenals and low thyroid worsen menopausal symptoms
- New ways to improve energy
- How to enhance your flagging libido
- Calming remedies for peaceful sleep
- How to protect your bones, heart and memory
- Treatment strategies for uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, heavy menstruation and more
- Discover nutrients to slow aging
- Why hormone imbalance makes you fat
- How to improve thyroid function
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